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New research on childhood obesity
The professional journal, Childhood Obesity, has just published several new reports online. Three are research reports of various kinds of interventions. The one about food and beverage marketing is a conversation among people with different perspectives on the issue.
Effect of Secular Trends on a Primary Prevention Trial: The HEALTHY Study Experience
Authors: F. Kaufman, K. Hirst, J. Buse, G.D. Foster, L. Goldberg, M. Schneider, M. Staten, E.M. Venditti, M. White, and Z. Yin, for the HEALTHY Study Group
Behavioral Self-Regulation and Weight-Related Behaviors in Inner-City Adolescents: A Model of Direct and Indirect Effects
Authors: C.R. Isasi and T.A. Wills
The Role of Food and Beverage Companies in Shaping Family Food Choices
Authors: D. Lubetzky, S. Goldman, G. Mateljan, and J. Posner
Bridging the Gap between Family-Based Treatment and Family-Based Research in Childhood Obesity
Authors: J.A. Skelton, M.B. Irby, and B.M. Beech