I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
by Marion Nestle
Weekend reading: Cricket Azima’s Everybody Can Cook (this means kids, disabled and not)
Cricket Azima. Everybody Can Cook. DRL (Different Roads to Learning) Books, 2015.
This is for kids ages two and up. It’s more than a cookbook. It’s a curriculum. Cricket Azima, who founded and heads The Creative Kitchen, aims this at all kids, but especially those with physical and developmental disabilities.
I gave it a blurb:
People like me are always talking about how important it is to teach kids to cook. You aren’t sure how? Cricket Azima’s Everybody Can Cook is just what you need to have fun with your kids in the kitchen. The recipes are easy and delicious. Get your kids to start making dinner!