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Pro-Proposition 37 forces are getting busy
Michael Pollan has a terrific piece in this Sunday’s Times Magazine on why the food movement needs to get behind California’s Proposition 37, flaws and all.
California’s Proposition 37, which would require that genetically modified (G.M.) foods carry a label, has the potential to do just that — to change the politics of food not just in California but nationally too.
…sooner or later, the food movement will have to engage in the hard politics of Washington — of voting with votes, not just forks.
…Obama’s attitude toward the food movement has always been: What movement? I don’t see it. Show me. On Nov. 6, the voters of California will have the opportunity to do just that.
Helping this along are two videos from Food and Water Watch, both really well done.
And then there’s this one, from a creative pro-Prop 37 individual (was he suggesting that it’s OK to give Pepsi to that baby? Not at all—see comment below from Ali Partavi).
Enjoy! Whatever you think of GMOs, people want and have a right to know the source of their food.