by Marion Nestle

Currently browsing posts about: Appearances

Aug 5 2022

Chicago: Institute for Food Technology

I’m doing a debate on the topic, Should We Eat More Processed Foods?  This will be at the IFT meeting on July 11 at 8:30 am (for meeting registrants only), but it gets livestreamed on August 5 at noon.  Kevin Hall is on my team against the motion.  For the motion are Amy Webb and Michael Gibney.

Aug 2 2022

New York: Museum of the City of New York: Gastronativism

I’m speaking with Fabio Parasecoli about his new book, Gastronativism: Food, Identity, Politics, at the Museum of the City of New York at a session chaired by Krishnendu Ray at 6:30 pm.  Information is here and the ticketing link is here.  This is a preview of the museum’s forthcoming exhibit,  Food in New York: Bigger Than the Plate (opening September 16) and is co-presented by MOFAD (Museum of Food and Drink).

Mar 23 2022

London: City University Food Thinkers

This is an online Food Thinkers webinar at 5:15 GMT (1:15 EDT): Food Politics 2022: Advocates Unite!  Register here.

Jan 14 2022

Philadelphia: Benjamin Franklin Birthday Celebration

I’m giving a talk for the Franklin Institute on “The Politics of Food in the Coronavirus Era: Signs of Hope?”  Other speakers will be Wendell Berry, who is being honored at this celebration.  Information and registration are here.  The theme is ON FOOD:  History, Access,
Sustainability, and the Future.  It begins at 9:00 a.m.



Nov 11 2021

Online: Launch of new report on conflicts of interest

Oct 6 2021

Online: Nutrition conference, Brazil

I’m doing a prerecorded online presentation to the V Congresso Nacional de Alimentos e Nutrição, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, at 8:00 p.m. on my book Unsavory Truth (Um Verdade Indigesta).  Information about the conference is here.  It runs from October 4 to 8.

Aug 23 2021

Online: Foreign Press Association

This is a webinar conversation with Ian Williams, president of the US Foreign Press Association, on the 2021 Food Systems Summit: Mired in Controversy.   The webinar begins at noon EST.  Registration is here.

Jun 7 2021

Online: Politics & Prose for Planet Palm

I’m doing a Q and A interview with author Jocelyn Zuckerman about her new book, Planet Palm: How Palm Oil Ended Up in Everything–And Endangered the World.  6:00 p.m. EDT.  Information about the event and how to register is here.