by Marion Nestle

Search results: soft drink tax

Apr 4 2010

Mrs. Obama’s anti-obesity campaign

Today is Easter Sunday and my monthly San Francisco Chronicle column appears today.  It deals with Michelle Obama’s campaign against childhood obesity.  Enjoy!

Kudos for first lady’s anti-obesity campaign

Nutrition and public policy expert Marion Nestle answers readers’ questions in this monthly column written exclusively for The Chronicle. E-mail your questions to, with “Marion Nestle” in the subject line.

Q: What do you think of Mrs. Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign against childhood obesity? It doesn’t say much about junk food or food marketing. Isn’t this a cop-out?

A: Skeptic that I usually am, I have nothing but applause for Michelle Obama’s decision to adopt childhood obesity as the first lady’s official cause. Lady Bird Johnson’s legacy is the flowers that bloom throughout the nation’s capital. Obama must want hers to be the flowering of better health for our nation’s children.

Yes, Obama is sensitive to political realities. She calls her campaign “Let’s Move” rather than “Let’s Eat Less Junk Food.” But its goals are crystal clear. Her campaign aims to improve food in schools and eliminate “food desert” areas without access to healthier foods.

The White House organic garden is an integral part of this effort. It is no accident that Will Allen, the charismatic head of Growing Power, the group that runs urban farms in Milwaukee and Chicago, spoke at the campaign news conference. Good food, he said, is about social justice. Every child should have access to good food.

This campaign reveals real leadership on a desperately important issue. Obama brings diverse groups to this table. She presses government agencies to take action. She exacts promises from Congress to make it easier for kids to eat low-cost meals in schools. She got her husband to create a task force to tackle ways to prevent childhood obesity.

In addition, she is asking professional and business groups to do more to help kids eat better. I’m particularly impressed by her speech to the Grocery Manufacturers Association, which represents the makers of processed foods and beverages.

With masterful tact, Obama nonetheless insisted that the association “entirely rethink the products that you’re offering, the information that you provide about these products, and how you market those products to our children.” We parents, she said, want assurance that food companies will stop “teaching kids that it’s good to have salty, sugary food and snacks every day.”

Yes, she avoids saying anything about soda taxes or other measures that might make it easier for kids and parents to make better food choices, but she is bringing childhood obesity to public attention in a fresh, new way.

Consider what her campaign is up against. Preventing obesity means eating less, often a lot less, of processed fast-food, snacks and sodas. This puts the makers of such foods in an impossible bind. Eating less is not good for business.

Short of going out of business, what can such companies do to help? They can reformulate their products to make them a little healthier. They can stop marketing their products directly to children. But this, too, is bad for business – unless it can be used for public relations.

Indeed, food and beverage companies are falling all over themselves – with much fanfare – to reformulate and to promise to restrict marketing that targets kids.

PepsiCo, the maker of soft drinks and Frito-Lay snacks, says it will stop pushing sales of full-sugar soft drinks to primary and secondary schools worldwide by 2012. The new policy is voluntary, encourages rather than mandates, and assures school districts in the United States and abroad that the company will not tell them what to supply.

It keeps vending machines in schools and allows for continued sales of branded sugary drinks such as Gatorade, juice drinks, and sweetened milk.

Kraft Foods says it will reduce the sodium in its foods by 10 percent, also by 2012. This sounds good, but has a long way to go. Kraft’s Macaroni & Cheese (the SpongeBob package) contains 580 mg sodium per serving and two servings per package. A 10 percent reduction takes 1,160 mg sodium down to 1,050 mg. Salt is 40 percent sodium, so this brings salt down to 2.6 grams – about half a day’s upper limit for adults.

Still, these are steps in the right direction. Are they meaningful? You decide.

In the meantime, the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonprofit research group focused on the effect of money on public policy, says soda companies have increased by ten-fold the amount of money they spend on lobbying – no doubt to counter the threat of soda taxes.

What are we to make of these responses? They raise my favorite philosophical question: “Is a slightly better-for-you processed food necessarily a good choice?”

What would be better for preventing childhood obesity would be to make eating real foods the default. These, as defined by Oakland’s Prevention Institute, are relatively unprocessed foods that contain nothing artificial. And they are produced in ways that are good for farmworkers, farm animals and the environment, and are available and affordable to all.

Getting to that point requires policy as well as voluntary actions. Perhaps I’m reading too much into Obama’s campaign, but that’s how I interpret it. I’m supporting it. How about you?

Mar 18 2010

What are food companies doing about childhood obesity?

Food companies interested in doing something meaningful to prevent childhood obesity are in a bind.  Preventing obesity usually means staying active; eating real, not processed, foods; and reserving soft drinks and juice drinks for special occasions.  None of this is good for the processed food business.  At best, food and beverage companies can make their products a bit less junky and back off from marketing to children.  In return, they can use the small changes they make for marketing purposes.

Perhaps as a result of Michelle Obama’s campaign (see yesterday’s post), companies are falling all over themselves – and with much fanfare – to tweak their products.

GROCERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (GMA):  By all reports, GMA members applauded Mrs. Obama’s remarks.  GMA says its member companies are already doing what she asked.

Parke Wilde, a professor at the Tufts School of Nutrition (and food policy blogger), gave a talk at that meeting in a session dismissingly titled,  “The New Foodism.”  His comment:

I enjoyed hearing Michelle Obama’s talk, which was well written and delivered and fairly forceful in places. In my afternoon panel, I said grocery manufacturers would find some threatening themes in books and documentaries promoting local and organic and sustainable food, but that there is also much of substance and value. Then, Susan Borra [Edelman Public Relations] and Sally Squires [Powell Tate Public Relations] in the next session said that grocery manufacturers are frequent subjects of unfair criticism and have nothing to apologize for.

Take that, you new foodists!

MARS must think it knows more than the FDA about how to label food packages.  It is developing its own version of front-of-package labels. It volunteered to put calories on the front of its candies; its multi-pack candies ay 210 calories per serving on the front.  That number, however, remains on the back of the small candy store packs.  Mars’ new labeling plans use the complex scheme used in Europe.  I’m guessing this is a bold attempt to head off what it thinks the FDA might do – traffic lights.

KRAFT announces that it is voluntarily reducing the sodium in its foods by 10% by 2012.  Kraft’s Macaroni & Cheese (SpongeBob package) has 580 mg sodium per serving and there are two servings in one of those small boxes: 1160 in total.  A 10% reduction will bring it down to 1050 mg within two years.  The upper recommended limit for an adult is 2300 mg/day.

PEPSICO announced “a voluntary policy to stop sales of full-sugar soft drinks to primary and secondary schools worldwide by 2012.”  In a press statement, the Yale Rudd Center quotes Kelly Brownell saying that “tobacco companies were notorious for counteracting declining sales in the U.S. with exploitation of markets elsewhere, particularly in developing countries:”

it will be important to monitor whether the mere presence of beverage companies in schools increases demand for sugared beverages through branding, even if full-sugar beverages themselves are unavailable…This appears to be a good faith effort from a progressive company and I hope other beverage companies follow their lead…this announcement definitely represents progress [Note: see clarification at end of post].

According to PepsiCo, this new policy brings its international actions in line with what it is already doing in the U.S.  The policy itself is voluntary, uses words like “encourage,” assures schools that the company is not telling them what to do, and won’t be fully implemented until 2010.  It keeps vending machines in schools and still allows for plenty of branded sugary drinks: Gatorade, juice drinks, and sweetened milk for example.

Could any of this have anything to do with Kelly Brownell’s forceful endorsement of soda taxes?

LOBBYING: The Center for Responsive Politics says food companies spent big money on lobbying last year, and notes an enormous increase in the amount spent by the American Beverage Association (soda taxes, anyone?).  For example:

American Beverage Assn $18,850,000
Coca-Cola Co $9,390,000
PepsiCo Inc $9,159,500
Coca-Cola Enterprises $3,020,000
National Restaurant Assn $2,917,000
Mars Inc $1,655,000

How to view all this?  I see the company promises as useful first steps.  But how about the basic philosophical question we “new foodists” love to ask: “is a better-for-you junk food a good choice?”

OK.  We have the Public Relations.  Now let’s see what these companies really will do.

Addendum: I received a note clarifying Kelly Brownell’s role in the PepsiCo press release from Rebecca Gertsmark Oren,Communications Director,The Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity,Yale University:

The Rudd Center did not work with PepsiCo on their initiative to stop sales of full-sugar beverages in schools worldwide, nor did we jointly issue a press release. A statement released by Kelly Brownell in response to PepsiCo’s announcement was simply intended to commend what appears to be a step in the right direction. As Kelly’s statement also mentioned, there is still plenty of work to be done. It’s also worth noting that the Rudd Center does not take funding from industry.

Mar 8 2010

Beverage Association’s PR spin on bad news for sodas in schools

Just in time for the Albany conference on soda taxes (see previous post), the Beverage Association has issued a report on the great progress it is making in reducing calories from sodas sold in schools.

In fact, the Beverage Association is doing a terrific job on reducing soft drink consumption.  Sales of sodas are down by impressive percentages, but so are sales of all drinks sold in school vending machines, as illustrated by this chart from today’s Wall Street Journal.

Source: Wall Street Journal, 3-8-10

This is good news.  The next steps to improve school food?  Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Get the vending machines out of schools altogether, those for snacks as well as sodas.
  • Get rid of “competitive” foods, those sold in competition with school meals.
  • Put some restrictions on the frequency and quantity of foods brought in for birthdays and other celebrations.
  • Institute universal school meals.

If kids don’t buy drinks from vending machines, the schools don’t need them, right?

Update March 9.  Thanks to Coca-Cola for sending a copy of the press release and the final progress report summary.

Feb 10 2010

Michelle Obama’s campaign against childhood obesity: Applause!

I had best comment on this before anyone asks.   First Lady Michelle Obama wants to do something about childhood obesity and has gone into action.  She announced her “Let’s Move” initiatives accompanied by much fanfare.  Check out:

This is big news.  I see much to admire here.  The campaign focuses on kids.  It is sensitive to political realities (it’s called the uncontroversial “Let’s Move,” not the inflammatory “Let’s Eat Less” or “Let’s Eat Better”).  It’s brought a large number of groups on board (the New York Times account emphasizes this point).  It aims to do something useful about school food and food “deserts” (areas without grocery stores).  And it derives directly and explicitly from the White House garden.

I wasn’t able to watch the press conference but I hear that Will Allen was an invited speaker.  Allen is the charismatic and highly effective head of Growing Power, which runs urban farms in Milwaukee and Chicago.  I’m told he said:

  • It’s a social justice issue.
  • Every child in this country should have access to good food.
  • We have to grow farmers.


Before the announcement, Marian Burros wrote in about the barriers this effort will face (I’m quoted in her article).   And the Los Angeles Times discussed the enormous and enormously successful lobbying effort undertaken by the soft drink industry against soda taxes.  It predicted that the First Lady would not mention soda taxes when she announced her obesity campaign.  Indeed, she did not.

But she did say:

The truth is our kids didn’t do this to themselves.  Our kids didn’t choose to make food products with tons of fat and sugar and supersize portions, and then to have those foods marketed to them wherever they turn.

So let’s call this campaign a good first step and give it a big round of applause.  I hoping everyone will give it a chance, help move it forward in every way possible, and keep fingers crossed that Mrs. Obama can pull it off.

Dec 15 2009

Sodas, sweetened and not

The research demonstrating the not-so-great effects of sodas just pours in, as it were.  The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has two new research reports, one on justification for taxation of soft drinks, and the other on the negative effects of soft drinks on kids’ health.

David Ludwig writes in JAMA that artificially sweetened drinks are unlikely to help the situation.  They just make people want sweeter foods.

And the New York City Health Department has put its anti-soda campaign online.   This is its controversial “drinking fat” campaign designed to make the point that excess calories from sugary soft drinks will put on the pounds.  Why controversial?  Take a look at the cute guy demonstrating the drinking-fat point on the YouTube video.

What’s your take on this?

Dec 17 2008

Bookkeeping: End-of-year columns

I have an op-ed (about the FDA’s handling of melamine in U.S. infant formula) and a Food Matters column (answering questions about salt) in the San Francisco Chronicle this week, and a response to a question from Eating Liberally about Governor Paterson’s proposed tax on soft drinks.  Enjoy!

Nov 30 2008


This page is somewhat disorganized in that I now put occasional print, audio, and video interviews, which used to be separated, together by year.  The section at the very end is called Controversies; it is where I post letters from critics.  Scroll down to find whatever you are looking for.  Media interviews and reviews for specific books are on the page tabs for that book.  For old podcasts and videos of presentations, look under Appearances and scroll down for Past Appearances; in recent years, I’ve been putting them in the chronological list here.

Interviews, media appearances, and lectures (the ones for which I have links)


News clips (articles in which I’m quoted) 2024 through August

Oct 9  NPR In Good Health with Arfie Ghedi, Fatima Cody Standord, and Julie Rovner on the drop in obesity prevalence.

Sept 27  Food Tank session on the Role of Technology at the Nexus of Affordability, Nutrition and Food Waste.  Here is my “fireside chat” with Dani Nierenberg and Dariush Mozaffarian.

Sept 23  Food Tank session on Restaurants and Farms: A Key Solution to the Climate Crisis.  My interview with Dani Nierenberg starts at 6:21:45 

Sept 10  Video podcast with Tim Rifai on food and politics

Sept 7  Audio podcast, In the Arena with Evan Baehr:  Spotify    YouTube     Pandora    Apple

Aug 20  Interview with Dr Mike on “the corrupt world of food politics.”

Aug 15  Howtown video: How they actually calculate the calories (my part starts at 6:18)

Aug 2  Podcast with Michael Silver, Part 2, on food politics, sustainability, and influence

Jul 28  Podcast with Diane Randall, Plant-Based Curious.  My segment: Unlocking the Food Puzzle.

Jul 14  Podcast with Michael Silver,, on food politics.

May 28 Video: Gut feelings (on food and health)

May 23  The money behind ultra-processed foods.  Capitalisn’t podcast.  Spotify.   Apple.

May 23  Podcast with Maria Sokolina.  Short versionFull interview.

May 20  Edible Communities podcast, Don’t take the (Click) bait.

May 7  CNN Chasing Life podcast: How Worried Should You Be About Ultraprocessed Foods?

Apr 24  Food revolution summit.  I’m told my interviews are in episodes 1 and 8.

Apr 22  Radio Free Rhinebeck, Lazy & Entitled, Addy & Esther Gen Z, Everything Food (my interview starts about 10 minutes in)

Apr 19 Changemakers: podcast on perspectives on the past, present, and future of food

Apr 12  Portside, the Lie that Made Food Conglomerates Rich, about ultra-processed foods.  Video.

Apr 11  Video interview with Christy Ai, The Cost of Everything

Mar 27  Trust Talk podcast: Food for Thought: Trust, Health, and Policy.  On Instagram.  On Trust Talk Linked In

Mar 26  Les Dames d’Escoffier panel on The Weight of Ozempic, Zoom video.

Mar 15  Panel discussion, At The Table – The Weight Of Ozempic. KSRO radio, Sonoma

Feb 14  Switch4Giid podcast on Big Food

Feb 7  Chef Sense podcast with James Massey on nutrition, health and food politics

Jan 25  Dr. John on Health, podcast on our “eat more” culture


Dec 29 The Melanie Avalon Biohacking Podcast Episode #230 – Best Of 2023 (Part 2)

Dec 24  CBS Sunday, radio, with Piya Chattophadyay, about Slow Cooked and food politics

Dec 17  Radio Catskill, Shelf Life with Aaron Hicklin on Slow Cooked

Dec 12  En Defensa del Consumidor video (in Spanish) interview with Monserrat Antuñez

Dec 9  Ralph Nader radio hour: Democracy Dies in Broad Daylight

Dec 1  Interview in Nupens USP (Brazil, in Portuguese): Four Questions (on ultraprocessed foods)

Nov 11  ABC Listen podcast Rear Vision on ultra-processed foods with Jennifer Leake (other guests: Laura Shapiro, Kevin Hall, Phil Baker, Melissa Lane, Stephen Guyenet)

Nov 3  Conversations That Matter  (@CTMinBC, Vancouver)

Nov 1  Podcast: Out of the Box with Jonathan Russo: Ozempic, Obesity, and Self-Control

Oct 23  Podcast: I Needed That, on the food industry and diets

Oct 19 Marion Nestle hace hincapié sobre la responsabilidad de la industria alimenticia; interview with Ingrid Cubas (print and video)

Oct 11  Edinburgh Science – Women in STEM playlist (video interview in connection with the Edinburgh Medal events)

Oct 10  Interview with Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center

Oct 8  Interview with PopLab: México y América Latina lideran el camino hacia una alimentación saludable: Marion Nestlé  (in Spanish)

Oct 3 Hometown Radio KVEC, host Bill Ostrander:  ultra-processed foods

Sept 27 Marion Nestle inaugura el Food Tech Summit con la conferencia:”El reto nutricional de la industria de alimentos”

Sept 26 Ultraprocesados en el ambiente infantil, Alianza por la Salud Alimentaria

Sept 18 Panel discussion on ultra-processed foods with Kevin Hall and Fang Fang Zhang, moderated by Charles Platkin, Center for Food as Medicine

Sept 14 Premier of Food Inc 2.  Clip from panel discussion.   Also on Twitter and Instagram

Sept 7  Harvard Kennedy School Mossavar-Rahman Center lecture on food politics (the sound clears up in a minute)

July 3  El Podcast Media episode 34 on Slow Cooked.  Watch on Spotify or YouTube.

June 29  Scripps News Tonight (video) on aspartame

June 22  Interview with Petr Horký, Respekt (in Czech)

June 21  Pressure Cooker podcast: What’s the matter with snacking?

June 7  Food Tank panel on the 2023 farm bill

May 26  Melanie Avalon Biohacking Project #199 podcast.  Also on Apple podcasts.

May 24  Podcast #54  Table for Two (Lebanon).  Spotify link.

May 10  The You Project with Craig Harper.  Podcast #1167  (click on the right-hand square to get to it)

Apr 21  Video of Frances Moore Lappe’s pNYU resentation and panel (I’m on it): 50 years of Diet for a Small Planet

Apr  21   Video interview with Restore Childhood’s Natalia Murakhver.  The transcript is here.

Apr 19  Webinar on food policy to FoodBerlin: Food for the Future, Humboldt University.  This requires a passcode: 5@5Li?An

Apr 12  Edinburgh medal address, plus welcome and speeches by Tim Lang and Annie Anderson.    Press coverage of the Edinburgh Medal events.

Mar 30  Big Brains podcast, University of Chicago: How food industry created today’s obesity crisis.

Mar 26  Ross Crae, Junk Inc, interview in connection with the Edinburgh Medal.  Sunday Post (Edinburgh).

Mar 15  Anne Lim’s Left Over podcast series on “how corporations and politicians are milking the American school lunch.”  I’m in episodes 4, 5, and 6.  Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or Instagram or the Left Over website.

Mar 11  Al Scott’s Rational View podcast, Episode 138, on the politics of food

Mar 3  The Brian Lehrer Show WNYC radio with Sophie Egan on 10 nutrition myths

Mar 2  Podcast interview on Pressure Cooker, on kids food  (my part starts at about minute 20)

Mar 1  Video of lecture to Office of Dietary Supplements

Feb 23  Conversation (audio and video) with Sandro Galea, Boston U School of Public Health, on Slow Cooked.

Feb 14-15   Scottish press mentions of The Edinburgh Medal

Feb 11 Podcast on the politics of food, Rational View with Dr. Al Scott

Feb 8  Video interview on Feminism Today, on Slow Cooked

Feb 8 Interview (print) with CNN on ultra-processed foods

Feb 3  Interview  (video podcast) with Zibby Owens, Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books, on Slow Cooked.

Feb 3  Keynote address, plant forward conference, Berkeley

Feb 2  A conversation about the White House Conference, Heritage Radio

Feb 1  Edible Education class (video), UC Berkeley

Jan 30  PrimaFoodie podcast.  Episode 4 (look for it) on food politics.  Listen on Apple,   Spotify,  Google, or Podfriend

Jan 26  Podcast (video) with Alisa Minkin, Jewish Orthodox Women’s Medical Association, on Slow Cooked

Jan 9   Video lecture at UCSF: “The journey of one woman in science and policy.”   It is also on YouTube.

Jan 3  Eat, Drink, Think Ep. 7, Edible Communities: Cooking and Capitalism podcast and article

Jan 3  De memoires van ‘voedselstrijder’ Marion Nestle.  FoodLog (in Dutch)

Jan 1  Jennifer Wilkins’ review of Slow Cooked. J Nutr Educ Behavior. 2023;55(1):81-82. DOI:



The NYU PR Office’s list of articles in which I’m quoted in 2022 

Dec 31  Interview with Mark Bittman.  His tweet about it.

Dec 23  Deborah Grayson’s review of Slow-Cooked on Worth.

Dec 15  CUNY Urban Food Policy Forum: Scholarship and Activism with Robert Gottlieb.  On YouTube.

Dec 15  With WBAI’s Leonard Lopate on Slow Cooked

Dec 12  Podcast, Center for Food Safety: The Hero’s Journey, episode 6.

Dec 12  Interview with KALW Your Call radio on food politics topics

Dec 2  Apple podcasts interview with Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street radioon food politics; it’s also on Spotify.

Nov 29 Food and Evironment Reporting Network’s “Back Forty talks with Marion Nestle

Nov 24 Food Politics: Τελικά το φαγητό είναι και αυτό πολιτική  (print interview with me, in Greek)

Nov 22  Climavores (Tamar Haspel, Mike Grunwald) podcast on eating right to save the planet

Nov 20  Canadian Broadcasting: The Sunday Magazine with Piya Chattopadhyay

Nov 4  WORT radio Madision, WI on Slow Cooked

Nov 3  Berkeley Food Institute: “Marion Nestle’s Unexpected Life in Food Politics

Nov 3  Podcast: Nutrition: A Recipe For Good Health on Trailblazers with Walter Isaacson

Nov 2  Matthew Rees’s Food Fact #178: An Interview with Marion Nestle

Oct 27  Heritage Radio Let’s Talk About Food with Louisa Kasdan, about Slow Cooked

Oct 25 REAL (Responsible Eating and Living) audio interview about Slow Cooked

Oct 24 KALW radio interview with Rose Aguilar about food policy

Oct 21 KCRW radio interview with Evan Kleiman about Slow Cooked.

Oct 20  Interview with Linda Pelaccio;s A Taste of the Past on Heritage Radio about Slow Cooked

Oct 19  STAT First Opinion: What makes food ‘healthy’ and why we don’t prioritize nutrition (Interview with Patrick Skerritt )

Oct 19  World Health Summit in Berlin (video): Interview with Francesco Branca (WHO) on transforming food systems.

Oct 15  KSRO radio interview with Clark Wolf about Slow Cooked

Oct 13  Interview with Charles Platkin, Hunter Food Policy Center, about Slow Cooked.   An article about the event is here.

Oct 13  Interview with GQ about Slow Cooked

Oct 13  Podcst with Dr. Adam Dorsay, SuperPsyched, on Slow Cooked

Oct 12  Interview about FDA’s “healthy” label, Brian Lehrer show

Oct 8  Excerpt from Slow Cooked on Blue Zones

Oct 4   Radio Cherry Bombe, Interview with Kerry Diamond about Slow Cooked.

Oct 3  Interview with Kelly Brownell about Slow Cooked.  YouTube is here.   Transcript and information are here.

Oct 3   Interview with No Filter, Count Vacula kids’ podcast (can’t believe I did this one)

Sept 30  Discussion with Danielle Nierenberg at Expo East about Slow Cooked (video).  My part starts at about minute 48.  Requires login

Sept 26  Scripps News push for front-of-package labels

Sept 20  Heartland Health Research Alliance, Episode 97  on food politics

Sept 19  Uncovering the Truth video  interview: How the USDA simultaneously represents industry and consumers

Sept 18  Podcast with Dave Dobrofsky, Uncovering the Truth (Slow Cooked)

Sept 13  Audio interview with Katy Kieffer, Heritage Radio, on Slow Cooked

Sept 12  Video interview with Chris MacAskill on Slow Cooked

August 30  Baby Steps Nutrition podcast with Argavan Nilforoush: “Up Close and Personal with Marion Nestle.”

August 30  Newsy, The Why (video): Why are diet and health confusing?

August 18  The Jordan Harbinger Show podcast, How Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat  (love the artwork)

August 5  Debate: Should We Eat More Processed Foods?  Intelligence Squared, NPR. With Kevin Hall, Michael Gibney, Amy Webb

July 28  Galilee Culinary Institute, interview with Mitchell Davis (Audio)

July 11  The Green Life podcast, on food politics

June 10 The Why—Newsy—on meat consumption (video)

May 31  BBC Interview with Drs. Chris and Xand Van Tulleken’s A Thorough Examination: Addicted to Food: Building an ultra processed world 

May 31  One Real Good Thing podcast with Ellie Krieger

May 26  Students for Liberty video on farm subsidies

May 18  Podcast on CBC Listen, Tai Asks Why (junk food)

Apr 11  MoMA R&D Salon 38 IP [Imperious Property]  My talk was on food, of course.

Mar 30  Food Thinkers talk to City University, London. Video

Mar 29  FoodPrint interview episode 5 (or 4?) on “natural” Video

Mar 26  Video (by phone) with Leean Lavin’s Ladies Who Lunch

Mar 21   Connecting the Dots on Spotify and Apple Podcast . Navigating lifestyle changes

Mar 17  Alimentar a Terra: os alimentos matam as fomes? – Escola Vera Cruz, Sao Paolo [in English]

Mar 7  Heritage Radio Let’s Talk about Food

Feb 24 اختصرت كل شيء عن الحميات الغذائية لإنقاص الوزن . My short video is in English.

Feb 22  Podcast video with Geoff Tansey on food, politics, capitalism, and health

Jan 23  LA Times guide to Japanese subscription snack boxes  Video Part II.  Part I is Jan 16 (same clip?)

Jan 18  New Hampshire Public Radio with Nick Capodice, Civics 101: the USDA

Jan 17  Podcast interview with Kathlyn Carney, Connecting the Dots.  Lisen on  Spotify or Apple Podcast

Jan 16  LA Times guide to Japanese subscription snack boxes (Video Part I).  Part II is Jan 23 (same clip?)

Jan 14  The Franklin Institute’s Ben Franklin Birthday celebration.  My talk comes first.  Others are from Eric Oberhalter and honoree Wendell Berry.   Use passcode $H81iALu

Jan 7  Baby Steps Nutrition Episode 40 on power and politics in the food system.

Jan 5  Interview with AJPH editor Alfredo Morabia on Ultra-Processed Food, Poverty, Obesity:  Audio;    Video.


2021 Print media quotations: Marion Nestle News Clips Sep-Dec 2021;  The ones I knew about.

Dec  Civil Eats interview: An insider look at food and farming

Dec 17 A day in the life of a nutritionist.  Interview with Emily Henderson, News Medical Life Sciences.

Dec 8  Interview with Swedish Radio: Vi äter ihjäl oss (in Swedish)

Dec 1  Q and A with Global Alliance for the Future of Food

Nov 17  Fales Critical Topic panel on food luminaries

Nov 5  Escaped Sapiens podcast (video) with Shane Farnsworth.  Additional footage.

Oct 24  KPFA radio, Sunday Show, on salt

Oct 21  99% Invisible.  Episode 462—I can’t believe it’s pink margarine.  Podcast

Oct 18  Presentation to Baby-Led Weaning Summit on commercial baby foods

Sept 30  Audio interview with WHYY (NPR) Radio Times on the latest in food science (also with Anahad O’Connor)

Sept 10  Video interview with Chris MacAskill about Ancel Keys, Mediterranean diets, and other matters (29 min)

Aug      Review of  Let’s Ask Marion, American Journal of Public Health

Aug 23  interview with Ian Williams, Foreign Press Association of NY, on the UN Food Systems Summit (~1 hour)

Aug 21  Video podcast with Plant Chompers’ Chris MacAskill on saturated fat (I appear briefly at around minutes 6 and 32)

Aug 21 Video interview with Russian TV on sugars (in Russian).  I appear briefly at minute 2.

Aug 20  Food Junkies podcast, episode 34, on food addiction

Aug 9  Podcast with Drs Chris and Xand van Tulleken : Building an ultraprocessed world (29 min).  And see tweet, Aug 10.

Aug 3  Podcast on Cheat about sugar vs. fat

July 26  Video interview with Reuters about the Subway tuna lawsuit

July 16  Interview with Scheer Intelligence (podcast), KCRW Los Angeles: Something’s Rotten in the Science of Food

June 8  Video of my interviewing Jocelyn Zuckerman about Planet Palm at Politics & Prose

May 27  Podcast, Science vs.  Pet food: How fancy should they feast?

May 25  Podcast: This or Something Better with Regan Nelson, on the politics of food.

May 18  Interview with Deepak Chopra.  Also available on YouTube, Facebook, and IGTV.

Apr 30  KPCC radio, L.A. on beef and climate change

Apr 7  NYU Dean’s Public Square series video (5 min) on food inequitiesMar 21  Podsongs.  My interview is here.  The podsong I inspired (?) is here.

Mar 17  CUNY Public Health.  Launch of Nick Freudenberg’s At What Cost (my talk starts at 28:00).

Mar 10  Texas Public Radio, San Antonio, with Dariush Mozaffarian on various nutrition topics (with technical glitches)

Feb 25  Panel discussion on multiculturalism and dietetics, Fales Critical Topics series

Jan 30  Podcast: Food Labels Revealed

Jan 29  Podcast with Stanley Ulijaszek’s Around the Table

Jan 23  Heritage Radio program on sugar politics, on Meat and Three

Jan 20  EcoFarm keynote session (my part starts at 24:50)

Jan 13 Oxford Food Conference, panel: Refreshing the Food System

Jan 13  Interview and talk with students at Chatham University, about Let’s Ask Marion


Dec 23  Online story about Let’s Ask Marion in YNet (Israel) in Hebrew.  And here is the English (of sorts) translation.

Dec 20  Farm to Table: Revitalize rural America, podcast

Dec 16  Interview with Ronit Vered in Haaretz magazine (in Hebrew): Coronavirus and the food system.  Electronic linkEnglish translation.

Dec 16  Reuters, Appetite Growing for Alternative Meat (two brief clips)

Dec 7  Podcast with Doron Vaday and Nicole Blasi, Eatright Nutrition, on food politics

Dec 1   NYU Fales Library Critical Topics, Recalibrating the Restaurant Industry Recording.   Audio Transcript

Nov 22  CBS Morning News, on snacking (video)

Nov 18  Financial Times audio, how to eat sustainably.  Polly Gross is the other guest.

Nov 15  Podcast with Vegetarian Zen, about Let’s Ask.

Nov 12  Inaugural Food, Power, and Politics Lecture, University of Georgia

Nov 11 Rebound Talks Podcast, IE University (Spain), Antonio Colmenares, on Inner Workings of the Food System

Nov 11  Video interview with The Earth Locker, on food politics

Nov 8  Interview (video) with Craig Gordon on the Pandemic and America’s Food Crisis

Oct 31  Seattle Town Hall, on Let’s Ask

Oct 29  Inside Julia’s Kitchen, Heritage Radio

Oct 25  On the Menu with Ann & Peter Haigh (my segment is first)

Oct 21 NYU Steinhardt News on Let’s Ask

Oct 18  Interview with Jenna on Heritage Radio Eating Matters, about Let’s Ask

Oct 16  Bloomberg podcast with Neena Prasad

Sept 25  Your Best Life with Anna Victoria.    Access from Twitter.

Sept 18  Leonard Lopate Show, WBAI radio

Sept 17  Video interview with Danielle Nierenberg, Food Tank, about Let’s Ask

Sept 16  Food Crunch podcast, Let’s Ask

Sept 14  Radio New Zealand, Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan

Sept 11  Joshua Spodek podcast

Sept 10  Interview with Kate Cox and excerpt from Let’s Ask Marion in The Counter

Sept 7   American Public Media podcast, “A dairy giant gets milked.”  I’m quoted at about minute 14 about Dean Foods.

Sept 7    WBUR Here and Now, interview with Robin Young about Let’s Ask.  Also at NPR Illinois.

Sept 6   KPFA Live Sunday News Show

Sept  4    Marion Nestle Imagines an ‘Enlightened’ Approach to National Food Policy, except of Let’s Ask Marion in Civil Eats

Sept 2   Video interview with ChefAJ on the politics of food

Sept 2  Books on Pod, Let’s Ask

Sept 1  Kirkus review of Let’s Ask Marion

Sept 1 Stand Up with Pete Dominick, episode 178 Dr Marion Nestle on Food

Aug 31  Vera Tarman’s Sugar-free Septmber, webinar

July 30  One-minute video advertising my Big Ideas NYU course on food politics.

July 19  RT Television interview about the dietary guidelines.  And on the RT website

July 15  Kirkus Reviews, Let’s Ask Marion

June 29  Wisconsin vegetable gardener show, podcast

June 18  Podcast interview with Gill Eapen’s Scientific Sense.

June 15  Review of Unsavory Truth on Aym Playing

May 21  Interview about industry funding on Fueled with Molly Kimball.

May 18  NYU Food Studies graduation remarks (short) start at 36:11.

Apr 26  Radio interview with Philip Moldari, Sunday Show, KPFA, Berkeley

Jan 17  The 1-minute video of Congreso Futuro, Santiago, Chile.  I appear for 1 second.

Jan 15  Video of my presentation to Congreso Futuro, Santiago, Chile, via CNN

Jan 15  Two short answers to questions at FAO’s Regional Office in Santiago, Chile.  Video 1: on what governments can do about childhood obesity.    Video 2: on food choices in an unhealthy food environment.


2019 summary from NYU’s PR office of newspaper and magazine articles in which I am quoted

Dec 27  Podcast with Joshua Spodek

Dec 5  Podcast with Bill Nye: the secret to your diet

Nov 26 Radio interview with Brian Lehrer about the dairy industry.

Nov 22  Video summary of panel discussion on essential oral health care for all, UN High-Level Meeting side event (my main clip is at 5:07).

Nov 14  Panel discussion at Hunter’s Food Policy Center about Bettina Siegel’s Kid Food

Nov 2  Podcast with Alfredo Morabia, about the SNAP papers in the American Journal of Public Health

Oct 28  The Recommended Dose with Ray Moynihan (audio, Australia)

Oct 19  Video interview with Chris Hedges about Unsavory Truth (filmed about a year ago).

Oct 17  Video of United Nations panel on World Food Day.  My presentation runs from about minute 48 to 53.

Oct 4  Tufts Conference on the 50th anniversary of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health.  My presentation is at 3.26.20.  On Vimeo, go to Panel 3: mine is from 17.10 to 23:15.

Oct 4  Podcast “clinical conversation” interview related to my keynote at the Obesity Medical Association meeting in Boston.

Sept 20 Video of my talk at the Oxford Food Symposium on July 12: “Power in the food system: Big Food vs. everyone else.”

Sept 6  Podcast with the Higherside on food politics

Aug 26  TVO (Canada) The Agenda on “can we trust nutrition science?”  The previewThe 26-minute segment.  The transcript.

Aug 7  Video of my lecture tour to Brazil, May 7-13

Aug 7  Video of my lecture on Unsavory Truth at the University of Rio de Janeiro, May 13

Aug 2  ABC Radio (Australia).  The politics of nutrition (Gerardo Otero is the other guest).  Full episode is here.

July 31  Video Conversation (in English, with Portuguese subtitles) with Aliança pela Alimentação Adequada e Saudável (Brazil)

July 13  Video of lecture to Oxford Food Symposium:  Power in the Food System: Big Food vs. Everyone Else

June 24 Rebroadcast of KALW’s Rose Aguilar’s interview about Unsavory Truth

June 10 Video interview at FAO’s Future of Food conference, Rome.  The interview is also on Facebook.

May 29  Christopher Gardner’s Nutrition Science video online course at Stanford: I’m interviewed in Module 1 (Nutrition Guidelines: Science and Politics).

May 25  Podcast interview with NYU President Andy Hamilton: transcript

Mar 26  Editora Elefante YouTube clip on Unsavory Truth, Portuguese translation

Mar 11  Interview with VegSource with Jeff Nelson about Unsavory Truth (audio with slides).

Mar 5  TVO (Canada) The Agenda with Steve Paikin: Battling bias in nutrition research.  Also on YouTube.  And in transcript.

Mar 4  Association for the Study of Food and Society, Member Spotlight.  Online interview.

Mar 1 Canadian Broadcasting Marketplace, arsenic in rice (YouTube).   Online articleTwo-minute video promo.

Feb 26  Interview with Laura Schmidt at UCSF’s Health Policy Center.  Food, nutrition, and politics.  UCTV

Feb 19  Food Politics 2019: “An Agenda for the Food Movement.” (Audio )

Feb 17 Cover story based on Unsavory Truth, San Francisco Chronicle: “The myth-making of food

Feb 12  UC Berkeley School of Journalism: Food Politics 2019: “Nutrition Science Under Siege.” 

Feb 7  Conversation with Laura Schmidt at UCSF, podcast: food, nutrition, and politics

Feb 12 UC Berkeley Journalism School Food Politics 2019: “Food Policy in the Trump Era.” (Audio)

Feb 5  KQED San Francisco, Michael Krasny’s Forum on Unsavory Truth

Feb 2  Sarah Boseley reviews Unsavory Truth in The Lancet

Jan/Feb  Nutrition Action Healthletter: Peter Lurie’s editorial on Unsavory Truth

Jan 25  Interview with Holly Friend of LS:N Global, on Unsavory Truth

Jan 22  MPR Radio interview, obesity in America (Deborah Cohen is the other guest)

Jan 22  KPFK radio interview , Feminist Magazine with Lynn Harris Ballen about Unsavory Truth

Jan 21  Cookery by the Book, podcast with Suzy Chase about Unsavory Truth

Jan 16  Kara Goldin’s podcast on Unstoppable, Unsavory Truth

Jan 16  New Yorker: For the Love of Bread  on low-carb diets

Jan 16  Podcast with Kara Goldin, Unstoppable, about Unsavory Truth

Jan 11 Podcast interview with Knowledge@Wharton about the shutdown’s effect on FDA

Jan 6   Video of Unsavory Truth talk at Politics and Prose, DC


Annual summary From NYU’s PR office: newspaper, magazine articles in which I am quoted

Dec 27 Podcast with Joshua Spodek on changing the food system

Dec 19  Podcast with Max Lugavere, The Genius Life Episode 39 (iTunes), on Unsavory Truth

Dec 17  Radio interview with Rose Aguilar, KALW San Francisco on Unsavory Truth

Dec 14  Video interview with Aliança pela Alimentação Adequada e Saudável (Brazil) on front-of-pack labels

Dec 13  Lecture on Unsavory Truth (video) at Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center

Dec 13  Online interview at PLoS Blog about Unsavory Truth

Dec 12  Podcast with Wooden Teeth on Unsavory Truth

Dec 6  NYU Journalism Kavli Conversation on Science Communication with Paul Greenberg, moderated by Robert Lee Hotz

Dec 3  Interview (podcast) with Bhavani Jaroff of iEat Green on Unsavory Truth

Nov 30  Conor Purcell interview for Undark’s Five Questions

Nov 28  Podcast interview with Monica Eng on Unsavory Truth: Chewing episode 55

Nov 26  Lisa Held on Unsavory Truth, Edible Manhattan

Nov 19  Interview with Gabrielle Lipton, Landscape News, on Unsavory Truth

Nov 18  Video of interview with Dean Malcolm Clemens, Forum at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco (audio file).

Nov 17  Video of talk to Soul Food Forum, Menlo Park on Unsavory Truth.  The 60 second version.

Nov 15  Video of keynote at launch of UCSF Food Industry Documents Library (my talk is in Part I: 14:30)

Nov 12  Jennifer Bowden on Unsavory Truth in New Zealand’s The Listener.

Nov 12  Interview with Jesse Mulligan, Radio New Zealand, on Unsavory Truth

Nov 11 Podcast of interview with Tiffani Patton of Real Food, at San Francisco’s Ferry Building.  Read about this discussion of Unsavory Truth here, and here.

Nov 7  Podcast interview with The Potter Report on Unsavory Truth

Nov 7  A. Pawlowski.  What are superfoods?  The truth about blueberries, dark chocolate and pomegranate.  Today.

Nov 6  Interview with Paul Thacker about Unsavory Truth.  Tonic.

Nov 4  Lorin Fries.  Who decides what you eat?  (Hint: it’s not only you).  Forbes.

Nov 3  Chicago Humanities Festival, interview with Ji Suk Yi (video)

Oct 31 Review from New York Magazine’s The Cut

Oct 31 Review of Unsavory Truth by Natalia Murakhver

Oct 31  Interview with Julia Belluz in Vox

Oct 30  Excerpt from Unsavory Truth on “When Big Soda Started Stalking Me”

Oct 30  NPR radio interview with Brian Lehrer on Unsavory Truth

Oct 30  Interview with Alex Beggs, Bon Appetit Healthyish, on how we eat

Oct 29  RT America video interview on Boom Bust about Unsavory Truth.  Now on YouTube.

Oct 21  Sourcing matters, waste not, want not.  Podcast, episode 44.

Oct 18  Interview with Maggie Tauranac on Unsavory Truth, FoodPrint

Oct 16 Podcast with Danielle Nierenberg on Unsavory Truth and other matters

Oct 12 Vimeo introduction to Grand Dame Award, Les Dames d’Escoffier

Oct 3  Interview with Danielle Nierenberg at Food Tank Summit on food waste (video–segment starts at 2:08)

Sep 5  Podcast interview on Lunch Agenda  with Kirsten (Kiko) Bourne about teaching about food in schools.

Sep 5  Everyone eats: an interview with Marion Nestle (print)  Hélène Ducros for EuropeNow

Aug 29 Heirloom Meals radio on food memories, among other things

Aug 7  BYURadio (Utah) interview with Julie Rose about plant milks

July 13  Twitter interview with New Food Economy on lab-based meat

July 9  Interview with Rizio, Inter-Actions 2018;1(1):July-August.

July 5  Goldberg R.  Food Citizenship: Food System Advocates in an Era of Distrust.  Oxford University Press.  Chapter 1.  Health and Nutrition: Interview with Marion Nestle:1-13Video online

July 4  Interview with Paul Terry, American Journal of Health Promotion 2018, Vol. 32(6) 1329-1332

June   Interview about nutrition research with ERD Research Digest 2018;44(2):13-15.

June 27  Anna Brones, portrait and interview

June 20  Washington Post Live Health 202 (video) panel with Mary Beth Albright and David Kessler

June 12  Vox video on Why Diets Fail.  For the full video, sign in to Netflix, search for “Explained,” and find this episode.

May 31  Marion Nestle looks back at 30 years of agitating for better food, by Lisa Held, Civil Eats.

May 10  How to make a career out of digging up facts.  Palatte.  Interview with Jenny Champion.

May 8  Boston University conference on public health in the Trump era.  My talk on food and nutrition policy begins at 2:24:25.

Apr 22  Podcast from the Connected Table on food politics

Apr 18  The Daily Show, interview with Desi Lydic on raw water

Mar 21 Lecture on food system politics to UC Berkeley’s Edible Education course

Mar 20   Q and A with Brian Rinker, Berkeley Wellness Letter, “Can our food system be fixed?”

Mar 19  Conversation with Alice Waters at Berkeley’s International House, moderated by Kris Madson (starts at about 8 min)

March 16  Q and A: Can our food system be fixed?  Berkeley Wellness

Mar 11  Nobel Prize Dialogue Panels, Tokyo, Video.  Stream 2

Feb 21  Notah Begay III (NBIII) Foundation Healthy Beverage Summit: keynote (slides)

Feb 12 Finnish Public Radio interview about Unsavory Truth (Google Translate, English)

Feb 2  Connect with Top Public Health Professors on Twitter

Jan 31 Profile in New Scientist: The Unpalatable Truth about Your Favorite Foods

Jan 18 Short video summary of Voedingscentrum conference in The Hague (in Dutch)

Jan 13  Interview with BioNieuws on food marketing to children (in Dutch)

Jan 3  NBC News, THINK (video) How food companies are influencing the science of what we eat


Dec  News clips with quotations, summary from NYU’s PR office

Dec   Interview with Cristel Zoebisch, Food Starters

Dec 4  Food Loves Tech panel on new technologies in food (video).

Nov 17: Interview, Navnet skjemmer, Helga (Norway): page 23page 24

Oct 31  Interview with Kristen Harper on Soda Politics, Voice of America

Oct 15 Interview with Jenna Liut on Heritage Radio about fad diets

Oct 9  Chewing, podcast on soda taxes

Oct 4  TV film: Journey of Greek food, episode 5. on Greek cuisine

Oct 4  Interview with KCSB radio, Santa Barbara, on Nestlé’s marketing in Brazil

Sep 28  Nestlé Nutrition Symposium lecture: Nutrition advocacy in action: the politics of sugar vs. fat

Sep 26  Seminar to the World Health Organization nutrition section on Buying Nutrition Science (WebEx).

Aug 3  To Your Health radio with Dr. David Friedman

July 30  Here’s How I Think This Works, Podcast on food

July 18   Adam Ruins Everything (video).  Watch the wrist bit.

July  Interview with American Society for Nutrition newsletter

June 18   Brief video clip from interview with Poder del Consumidor

June 7 report on lecture at Harvard conference on school food

Spring  Alumni profile: Marion Nestle, Food Maven.  MCB [Molecular and Cell Biology] Transcript, Spring 2017:5.

Mar 29  Keynote, 2017 Art & Science of Health Promotion conference, Colorado Springs.  Download Video  Download MP3

Mar 21  U.C. Berkeley Graduate Arts and Sciences Barbara Weinstock Memorial lecture on the Morals of Trade: 21st Century Food Movement (71 minutes) Video, Interview, and Audio are also online.

Mar 5 Exploring Mind and Body, podcast on food politics

Mar 1  Print interview: Stacking the deck: How industry funding can influence science and create confusion.  Nutrition Action Healthletter:3-5.

Feb 28  Public Health Institute, Cuernavaca: lecture on research policies (video–requires ARF, WebEx)

Feb 27  Public Health Institute, Cuernavaca: lecture on conflicts of interest (video–requires ARF , WebEx)

Feb 24  Public Health Institute, Cuernavaca: lecture on policies to improve diets (video–requires ARF , WebEx)

Feb 23  Public Health Institute, Cuernavaca: lecture on policies to reduce sugar-sweetened beverages (video–requires ARF , WebEx)

Feb 1  Podcast with The Politics Guys on food and health

Jan 18 Talk (“BetaZone”) at World Economic Forum, Davos

Jan 6  Slate podcast on peanuts


Summary: quotations in media, 2016 (thanks to NYU’s PR office)

Dec 31 Podcast: big soda, big obesity.  Reinventing the supermarket.

Dec 9  Interview: Professorn som tar fighten med livsmedelsjättarna: ”Jag behöver inte vara rädd om min karriär,” Veckans Affärer (Stockholm)

Dec 9  Video: Nobel Week Dialogue (my part begins at 1:57 and continues for 8 minutes)  Or go right to it here on YouTube.

Nov 22 Video: The way we think about sugar is going to change.  HowStuffWorks (my part is audio)

Nov 9  Interview on Heritage radio on food politics

Nov 5  Dishing Up Nutrition podcast on soda politics

Oct 26  CCTV interview with Karina Huber on soda issues (also on YouTube)

Oct 10  Interview with Russia’s Channel 1 in a documentary about food (in Russian).  My appearance is from 3:15 to 4:43.

Oct 3   ABC Classic FM with Margaret Throsby (Australia)

Sept 26 Heritage Radio with Katy Keiffer on sugar-funded research

Sept 26 WBUR radio On Point on sugar-funded research

Sept 17  CBS News (TV) on sugar-funded research (my clip is at ~1.35)

Sept 14  NPR To the Point on sugar-funded research

Sept 14 Brian Lehrer NPR radio on sugar-funded research

Sept 13 Global News Canada on sugar-funded research

Sept 13 NPR on sugar-funded research

Sept 13  PBS News Hour TV on sugar-funded research

Sept 12  Interview with Radio Sputnik Moscow on sugar-funded research

Sept 8  Podcast interview with Slow Food’s Richard McCarthy (one hour)

August 12  Audio interview with Anna Lappé, Real Food Media

August 5  ABC One TV interview, trailer.  The 28-minute interview.

August 3  KCRW Morning Edition on GMO labeling

July 22  The Reading List: Marion Nestle: A feast of books

July 7  Morning Wave in Busan (South Korea) radio, on school meals

July 5  Barth B.  Food, farming and the 2016 election: a conversation with Marion Nestle.  Modern Farmer

June 22  CBC Radio ONE on fat and sugar (also available on livestream)

June 20  Lecture on Soda Politics, Mann Library, Cornell

June 20  Interview in Haaretz—-in Hebrew.  Here is an English translation (thanks to Hemi Weingarten).   Photos.

May 25  The 21st show on the FDA’s new food label (radio)

May 18  CBS News on the National Academies’ GMO report

May 17  Nutrition Wonk (Tufts) podcast on Soda Politics

April 27  Lecture at Cornell’s Mann Library, on Soda Politics (video)

April 14  Opinion piece in on Soda Politics (in Spanish).

April 14 Article in La Jornada about my lecture in Mexico City on Soda Politics (in Spanish)

April 12  ABC TV Lateline on the Australian Paradox, with Emma Alberici (transcript)

April 7    Lecture on Soda Politics at Hofstra University (podcast)

March 24 BYU radio Matt Townsend show, on Soda Politics

March 21  WOUB Digital SoundCloud, interview on food politics

March 10 ABC 7:30, TV interview with Sarah Whyte on Coca-Cola’s funding of research: Sweet Talk

March 3  Podcast with Radio UF ~ Utrikespolitiska föreningen i Uppsala 

March 3  Julia Belluz, Vox, on my collection of industry-funded studies

March 2 ABC-FM interview with Margaret Throsby, Classic FM, on Soda Politics

March 1 Lecture to Sydney Ideas: Soda Politics: Lessons from the Food Movement, U. Sydney

March 1 ABC News radio and print interview with David Taylor, on Soda Politics

Feb 29  Interview (online) with ABC Sydney on Soda Politics

Feb 27  “At Lunch With” column in the Sydney Morning Herald: “the powerful foodie”

Feb 24  Podcast of lecture on Soda Politics at the University of Melbourne

Feb 22 Lecture at symposium at Deakin University, Melbourne (this is an mp4 file requiring a lengthy download)

Feb 19 Radio interview with Mark Colvin, ABC News (Sydney) on Soda Politics

Feb 19 Podcast interview with Colvinius, ABC News (Sydney) on Soda Politics

Feb 19 Interview with Gesunde Stadt magazine, Früling 2016 (in German)

Feb 18  BTR Media podcast (my interview on Soda Politics is at 13.01)

Feb 7  Wisconsin Public Radio interview on Soda Politics

Feb 1  Interview (online) with Chris Radicz of the American Society for Nutrition on Soda Politics

Jan 31  Interview (online) with Peter Hess, Science Line

Jan 29  Interview with BreakThroughRadio’s Rebecca Chodorkoff on Soda Politics

Jan 27  Gastropodcast on calories

Jan 20 Interview with Suzi Phillips, U. Auckland on Soda Politics

Jan 14  Interview with University of Auckland, School of Population Health

Jan 14 Podcast with Autumn Smith and Chas Smith of Paleo Valley on food politics

Jan 11 Podcast of interview with Wharton radio on Chipotle’s problems

Jan 7  CBS News TV interview on the 2015 Dietary Guidelines, and print and radio interviews on the Guidelines with NBC NewsWashington PostUSA TodayTIME magazinePolitico,  NY Daily NewsVoxMedPage TodayChristian Science Monitor 


Dec 22  Hunter College Food Policy Breakfast Series (part 1), lecture on Soda Politics.  Part 2 and Part 3.

Dec 19 Business Insider, 7 ways the soda industry follows the tobacco industry playbook to the letter

Dec 17  Interview with Diet Detective, Food Policy Guru

Dec 16  Podcast with Steve Mirsky of Scientific American on Soda Politics

Dec 14 Lecture to CUNY Food Policy Center on Soda Politics

Dec 5  KCRW radio, Evan Kleiman’s Good Food on Soda Politics

Dec 3 Tess Sohngen’s video based on Soda Politics lecture at Miami University, Ohio

Dec 1  Supermarket News’ Disruptors 2015, Shaking up the business world 

Dec 1  KALW radio San Francisco interview (one hour) on Soda Politics 

Nov 23 Soda Politics podcast, New America NYC

Nov 20 Interview with KUOW radio, Seattle, on GMO salmon (my segment starts at 34.20)

Nov 16  Video blurb for the Edible magazines

Nov 13  Interview with Charlotte station WFAE on Krispy Kreme Challenge at the U of North Carolina

Nov 11 Interview with Reserve Editorial Team, In the Kitchen, on Soda Politics

Nov 10 Berkeley Food Institute Soda Politics launch

Nov 6  Audio recording of Q and A talk at San Francisco’s Commonwealth Club, with Dr. Alice Huan-mei Chen, on Soda Politics

Nov 2  Video from McDougall’s Advanced Study Weekend, on Eat, Drink, Vote

Nov 1  The New Republic’s  Corby Kummer writes about our visit to World of Coca-Cola

Nov 1  Interview Q & A in Nutrition Action Healthletter, November 2015:1-5

Oct 28  The Seattle Times on Soda Politics

Oct 27  Interview in the Boston Globe on sugars

Oct 27  The Salt on Soda Politics

Oct 27 San Antonio Public Radio on Soda Politics

Oct 27 On Point radio on meat and cancer risk

Oct 20  Video of presentation to New York Times Food for Tomorrow Conference on soda taxes

Oct 19  Article in Veille Action pour de Saines Habitudes de Vie (in French)

Oct 19  Interview with Lingyi Hou for NYU’s Washington Square News

Oct 15  KUT News radio, interview with Tom Philpott about Soda Politics

Oct 14 Time magazine: Should you count calories?

Oct 14 Diane Rehm show, WAMU Radio, Twitter Q&A, on healthy food systems

Oct 12  Ask the experts: 2015’s best and worst foodie cities for your wallet

Oct 9 The Brian Lehrer Show, WNYC Radio, on Soda Politics

Oct 9 Interview Q & A with Nancy Huehnergarth on Huffington Post about Soda Politics

Oct 8 The Diane Rehm Show, WAMU Radio, Washington DC, on Soda Politics

Oct 8  Interview Q & A with Andy Bellatti at Civil Eats, about Soda Politics

Oct 7  MP3 interview with Carl Lenoe on Super Human Radio, about Soda Politics

Oct 6  CSPAN Book TV recording of book event for Soda Politics

Oct 6  Interview with Dr. Mercola about Soda Politics

Oct 5  Interview with Roberto Ferdman in the Washington Post about Soda Politics 

Oct 5  Foodline radio interview about Soda Politics

Oct 4  Interview with Johnny Adamic of the Daily Beast about Soda Politics

Oct 2  Interview with Jamie Ducharme of Boston Magazine online about Soda Politics

Sept 28  Interview with Dr. Mercola on Soda Politics.  Condensed version.  Full version.

Sept 27  James Hamblin in The Atlantic on panel discussion on sugar at NYU

Sept 25  Interview with Julia Belluz, Vox, on Soda Politics

Sept 24  Interview with Kiera Butler, Mother Jones blog, on Coca-Cola’s transparency initiative

Sept 21  Interview with Katy Kieffer, Heritage Radio, on Soda Politics

Sept 11  Organic Life:  Marion Nestle’s favorite organic books

Sept 10  Interview with Natural Path on Soda Politics

Sept 4  Meat industry has always opposed and influenced dietary guidelines in US.  Down to Earth.

Sept 4   Interview with Patrick Mustain in Scientific American on Big Soda’s co-opting of US mayors

Aug 25  Interview with National Radio, New Zealand on industry funding of research

Aug 17  Interview with Brian Lehrer (WNYC radio) on Coca-Cola’s funding of scientists.

Aug 11 CNN Money interview with Christina Alesci on added sugars

Aug 7  Interview with Washington Post about this blog’s discussion of conflicts of interest in research.

July 17 Brief comment in CBS News (video) story on craft sodas

July 13 Interview for Ananke Magazine with Lovely Claire Dangalan, on career

July  Carter J. Interview with Marion Nestle.  In: Food for Thought: Feeding the People, Protecting the Planet. Aspenia [Aspen Institute Italia] 2015;67:101-105.

July  Carter J. Intervista a Marion Nestle.  Come cambiano le politiche alimentary.  In: Fame Zero: Rinascimento agricolo.  Aspenia [Revista di Aspen Institute Italia] 2015;69:198-202.

June 16 Goals of large food companies, talk at McDougall’s Advanced Study Weekend (video)

June 16  Interview with John McDougall, on popularity of low-carb diets (video)

June 15 Podcast, Exploring Mind and Body, with Drew Taddia, on food politics

May 18 Podcast with Katy Kieffer, Heritage Radio, on the Milan Food Expo

May 11 Podcast (audio) with Lindsay Beyerstein, Point of Inquiry, on calories–clearing up the confusion.

May 7  Video clip of Q and A from lecture at Cattolica University, Piacenza, Italy.

April 28  Brian Lehrer on Chipotle’s non-GMO policy: perception over science?  WNYC

April 22 The Connected Table LIVE on with Melanie Young (podcast)

April 11  Radio Islam on From Farm to Fork.

April 8  Brian Lehrer show on Food Babe v. Science Babe, WNYC

April 1  Grand Rounds at Columbia‘s Mailman School of Public Health

March 31 Online interview with Columbia University’s Mailman FPOP student group

March 30  Conversation at EB 2015

March 30  Washington Post America Answers conference panel on why we eat the way we do (video)

March 25  Airtalk KPCC radio on the Heinz-Kraft merger

March 24 Video interview on Brazil’s dietary guidelines

March 13  Video interview (9 minutes of excerpts) from McDougall’s Advanced Study Weekend

March 13  OZY video on the soda tax in Mexico

March 5  OZY video on additives in our food

March 2  KCBS radio, In Depth.  Food, Our Diet, and Politics (scroll down to March 2)

February 25   Voting with our forks: an (online) interview with Marion Nestle. Kaiser Permanente Food for Health

February 23  Interview (online) with Julia Belluz, Marion Nestle on what really influences eating, Voz

February 14 Podcast interview: At the Table with Clark Wolf and Marcy Smothers

February 10 Video of Knight lecture at UC Berkeley: Food Politics in the Age of Health Care Reform

January 30  Video interview for Cornell’s Philosophy 2411 Ethics of Eating  course, with professor Andrew Chignell (41 minutes)

January 13 Video Interview with Luis Quevedo NTN24 (in Spanish)

January 7  Interview: Marion Nestle y food politics.  El Piscolabas


December 2  Radio interview with Evan Kleiman on menu labeling (scroll down)

December 1  Interview with Katy Kieffer, Heritage Radio, about menu labeling and other matters.

November 21  Interview with Yvette Cabrera of Heritage Radio about Berkeley’s soda tax win.

November 11  New York Times Food for Tomorrow conference, panel on healthy eating with Michael Moss, Kristy Del Coro, and Julie Mennella (video).

November 9  CSPAN2 BookTV interview about Food Politics

November 7  Interview with Sara Gandolfi of Sette, A volte serve una legge per controllare le calorie.

October 31  The Sweet Truth–A Dialogue with Corby Kummer.  Video from the James Beard Foundation’s food conference.

October 28  Lecture on Eat, Drink, Vote at FoodSHIFT, St. John’s Medical Center, Jackson Hole

October 10  To the Point, KCRW radio:Big Soda pours in Big Money to Stop Tax on Sugary Drinks.

October 9  Entrevista con Carlos Puig, En15 TV, on Mexico’s soda tax (in Spanish).

September 30  Radio interview with Rashi Mangalick – KFAI Radio on food politics.

September 24 Diane Rehm show (radio) on soda industry announcements.

September 18  Interview on NBC New York’s Better Get Boquero (video) about retailers’ failures in food inspection.

August 21  Science Forward, The Challenge of Food.  This CUNY teaching video is also on YouTube, and comes with resources for classes.

August 19  KQED radio on the Petaluma slaughterhouse indictments, Forum with Michael Krasny

August 15  On Point radio with Tom Ashbrook, on fast casual/healthy restaurants

August 5  Online interview with Sharona Weiss on food advocacy.

July 24  Online interview with Dr. Henry Black on “Gluten-Free: Mania or Medical Necessity?  MedScape

July 22  The James Beard Foundation has just released its generic Leadership Award video (my award was last fall).

June 10  Radio interview with Marketplace on the fight over white potatoes in WIC

May 31  Video: appearance with Melissa Harris Perry on MSNBC on Michelle Obama’s school lunch problems.

May 29 Video: appearance with Chris Hayes on MSNBC on school lunch problems.

April 28  Podcast with Charles Margulis of the Center for Environmental Health on GMO labels.

April 14  New Hampshire Public Radio interview on vitamin D

April 7  Heritage Radio interview with Katy Keiffer on FDA’s problems with GRAS status for food additives.

March 26  Radio interview with BBC on the fat tax

March 13  REAL Food Innovator Awards presentation video (scroll down)

March 13   Food Bites with Edible Charlotte (online print interview)

March 12  HeritageRadio on the food label

March  Interview with Alex Jamieson about nutrition education on the 20th anniversary of SuperSize Me!.

February 27  Radio interview with KCRW on the new food label.

February 26  TV interview ABC Eyewitness News on the new food label.

February 26  Radio interview with Brian Lehrer on the new food label.

February 26  CBS TV interview about bagged salads.

February 25  Prevention Magazine’s 11 Founding Foodies

February 20  CSPAN video of panel discussion about Nick Freudenberg’s book, Lethal but Legal.

February 21  Interview (print) with Endocrinology about the Brazilian dietary guidelines.

February 17 Radio interview (and transcript) with Lynne Rossetto Kaspar’s Splendid Table on the farm bill.

February 13  Podcast and transcription of interview with REAL (Responsible Eating And Living)

February 12 Interview with Swiss Public Radio on functional foods


February 12  Radio interview with The TakeAway on school food.

February 12  Heritage Radio on the farm bill

January 22  Interview with Isabela Sattamini for the World Public Health NutritioInterview with Swiss Public Radion Association online journal.

January 20  On Heritage Radio talking to Katy Keiffer about dietary supplements.


2013: for media about Eat, Drink, Vote, click here.

December 20  WNYC interview with Leonard Lopate on Food Friday.

December 16 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio interview with Jill Eisen.  Stuffed Part 2.

December 13  Video: The internationalization of the obesity epidemic (Cornell festschrift for Per Pinstrup-Anderson).

December 12  Interview with Brian Lehrer on Mayor Bloomberg’s public health legacy.

December 10  Interview (TV) with Dr. Oz on chicken from China.

December 9  Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio interview with Jill Eisen, Stuffed Part 1.

December 7  CSPAN interview with Pedro Echevarria on genetically modified food labeling (45 minutes).

November 8  Radio interview with Brian Lehrer on FDA’s removal of GRAS status from trans fat.

November 1  Interview with Aaron Task on Yahoo (video): the food stamp cuts

October 25  Huffington Post on James Beard Leadership Award.

October 24  NYU Steinhardt News on the James Beard award.

October 22 Introduction to my James Beard Leadership award (video)

October 22  Remarks (video) at James Beard food conference (scroll down to #6)

September 26  Franklin & Marshall Common Hour lecture, video

September 24  Podcast with SeaChange on empathy.

August 31  Podcast interview with Meghan Telpner.  Also, blog interview (undated).

August 23  Lecture to European Society for Environmental History, Munich

July 18  Interview with Heritage Radio about the NYC Mayoral Candidate’s Forum

July 17  Livestream of NYC Mayoral Candidate’s Forum, which I moderated.

June 20  Interview for the Village Voice with Eve Turow on my history with food studies.

June 19  “Evolutionaries” interview with Heritage Radio.

June 17  Video interview with James Andrews of Food Safety News.

June 4   Podcast interview with REAL (Responsible Eating and Living) on the tenth anniversary edition of Food Politics.

June 2    Interview with Revista Foodie, Uruguay (in Spanish): “Marion Nestle: Activista Foodie” (there’s a video that goes with it).

May 12  Interview on Heritage Radio with Katy Keiffer on the tenth anniversary of Food Politics.

May 10 Interview on WRVO radio with Lorraine Rapp and Linda Lowen on food labels.

May 4   Report on the Food Book Fair panel discussion of food companies’ role in food systems.

May    Marion Nestle: Food is a political issue.  World Nutrition 2013;4(5).

April 28  Interview with Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC about GMOs.  And here’s the second section.

April 8 Interview with Robin Davis of The Columbus Dispatch about food politics.

March 28  Video interview with Lathe Poland for the documentary Carb-Loaded.

March 28 Interview with Nevada Public Radio on whether food stamps should only pay for “good” food.

February 26  Interview with KPCC on the horsemeat scandal.

February 8  Interview with Mauro Rosati of L’Unità on obesità infantile.

February 7 TV Interview with Aaron Task, Yahoo Finance, with Peter Pringle on A Place at the Table (hunger in America)

January 28  NPR interview with Dan Charles about Derek Yach and PepsiCo

January 26  Mrs. Green’s World with Kelly King

January 16  Interview with on Coca-Cola’s “anti-obesity” ads.

January 14 Online interview with Lauroly on World Wise Beauty

January 14  Video interview with Meghan Telpner‘s Making Love in the Kitchen

January 10  Video interview on Star Talk, co-hosts Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Eugene Mirman, with Anthony Bourdain, about the science of cooking (sort of).


December 16  Interview with Katy Keiffer on Heritage Radio, with Cristin Couzens, on sugar.

November 25  Interview with Lynne Rossetto Kaspar at the Splendid Table on the farm bill

November 24  Interview with Rena Nagarajan in the Times of India: “Give them food, not nutrient-packed pills.”

November 17 Interview with Maggie Fox of NBC News on the demise of Twinkies.

November 13 Video interview with NewsHouse at Syracuse University (6.40 minutes).

October 12  Interview with Childhood Obesity (21012;8:421-422) on Kids Don’t Need Kids’ Foood.

September undated  Podcast interview with Trevor Jackson of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on corporate influences on obesity.

September 10  New York Times blog debate on whether organics are worth it.

September 7 Radio interview with Brian Lehrer on whether organics are worth it.

August 9 Radio interview with Patt Morrison, KPCC, on Diet Coke’s 30th birthday.

August 6  Interview with Alexandra Zissu on about the meaning of “natural.”

June 28  Interview on Food Sleuth radio with Melinda Hemmelgarn, KOPN.  Also on Public Radio Exchange and on iTunes.

June 22  Review in the Daily Meal of my speech on the farm bill.

June 20  CBS TV interview on pizza companies objections to menu labeling

June 20 BBC TV interview on the people who made us fat (I’m in there someplace)

June 20  Interview on Huffington Post with Danielle Nierenberg based on an interview in a book produced by Barilla. There may be some audio with this too.

July 18 Presentation on SNAP at capitol hill briefing (video)

June 14  Video interview with Aaron Task on Yahoo about who profits from food stamps.

June 6 NPR All Things Considered on Disney’s announcement on kids’ marketing.

June 4 Brownfield Ag News interview with Tom Steever on FDA’s decision not to allow HFCS to be called corn sugar

June 1  Heritage radio clips on obesity.

May 23 Radio interview with Leonard Lopate WNYC, with Peter Kaminsky

May 21 Print interview with Revital Federbush for an Israeli women’s magazine, mostly about dairy foods I’m told (it’s in Hebrew, which I cannot read, alas).

May 8  Interview with Eliot Spitzer on Viewpoint

April 15 Interview with Katy Kieffer on Heritage Radio’s Straight–No Chaser.

April 14 Interview with SunnySideUp radio, Lexington, KY.

April 13  Interview with CBS News online: 10 myths about calories, busted.

April 11  Interview with Dr. Joe Schwarcz in Montreal (podcast)

April 11  Interview about Why Calories Count on Taste Matters with Mitchell Davis on Heritage Radio

April 5  Interview Q and A for the NYU/Steinhardt website.

March 21  Radio interview with KPCC ‘s Patt Morrison on Sugar v. Corn Refiners

March 9  Audio interview with Ben Greenfield on food politics.

February 21  Interview with Cornell Chronicle about calorie talk.

February 1: Interview with the Boston Globe on the farm bill.

January 16: Interview with Louisa Kasden, Boston Phoenix Stuff Magazine, on my upcoming talk on the farm bill at the Boston Museum of Science.

January 5: NPR interview with Joy Wang on cleaning out your kitchen.

January 2012:  Interview with Juliann Schaffer in Today’s Dietitian.

November 11   Splendid Table with Lynn Rossetto Kaspar, radio interview on the farm bill (starts at minute 7:05)

October 28  Panel discussion at Grand Central Station on the occasion of Consumer Reports’ 75th birthday (with Urvashi Rangan, Willie Neuman, and Bill Marler).

October 15  Radio interview with KCRW’s Even Kleiman on corn sugar.

October 2  Radio interview with Patrick Martins and Katy Kieffer on food politics,  Heritage Radio, the Main Course

September 22  Interview in the Lethbridge Herald (Alberta, Canada) on lecture at the University of Lethbridge

September 19  Interview with NourishLife about food politics

September 13 My politics of food lecture to UC Berkeley’s Edible Education 101 course is available in video online.

September 1  KCRW Warren Olney on “blah chicken, bland tomatoes (Barry Estabrook), and the food revolution (me).

Fall    Interview with Sarah Eva Kamenetz, dining editor, Washington Square News, the Food Issue.  My interview is on page 25.

August 28 Radio interview with Radio Health Journal on health claims.

August 25 Entrevista con Flor Codagnone in Cukmi (Argentina), in Spanish.

August 20   Reviews of Food Politics and What to Eat at Weekend Eating Reading with Eat with Joy

August 5 Interview with David Freeman of CBS News on a study of the high cost of produce.

August 2  Interview with Consumer Reports about McDonald’s Happy Meals makeover

August   Qualigeo-EU, first issue. My interview about food safety begins on page 70.

July 19    Radio interview with Ed Dodge’s Joy’s of Healthy Living on food politics

July 19 Video interview with Independent Sources on marketing to kids.

July 6  CNN Eatocracy video on eating on the subway

June 20  Interview with Jennifer Abbasi of EverydayHealth: “Delicious propaganda: 12 fascinating food posters.”

June 11 Interview with Evan Kleiman, Good Food radio, on food guides and the new food plate (scroll down to find it).

June 8 Radio interview with Steve Boss on KRUU Great Taste on MyPlate, the German E. coli outbreak, and other issues.

June 3 Video interview with the irreverent Mo Rocca of CBS about the USDA’s new food plate.

June 2 Interview with Scientific American about the new USDA food icon

May 31  How healthy is vegetarianism?  The Big Think.

May 31  Vegetarianism vs. carnivorous diets.  The Big Think.

April 7  Interview with Modeled Behavior about food dyes

April 6 Radio interview with Caryn Hartglass on It’s All About Food

March 28  Time Magazine’s “140 Best Twitter Feeds” includes @marionnestle

March 28  Interview with Michael Moss on school food in Philadelphia.  I’m in the video.

March  NYU Alumni Magazine about the Fales food studies book collection

March 9  ABC Nightline on Heart Attack Grill

March 2  Melanie Warner BNet on my post about HFCS

March  Michael Moss’s Food Fight video

February 8 The editor of Scientific American, Mariette DiChristina, interviews me for a Google Science Fair project that I’m judging next summer.

February 1  Unexpected appearance on Colbert, about Walmart’s food initiatives (via ABC News clip)

January 20 NPR interview with Robert Siegel on All Things Considered about the Walmart announcement

January 20  ABC News interview about the Walmart announcement






2001 to 2005


Brief clip from interview with David Rosengarten and Donna Hanover on the TV Food Network


The Debate:

The Threatened Lawsuit from the Sugar Association of America:

The Consumer-Choice Debate

Nov 25 2008


This page lists books and articles. Books start under the first photo, and articles under the second.

Witt Program on Activism, DeWitt Clinton High School, Bronx NY, 12-8-09

BOOKS: For more information on books, click here

  • 2022:  Nestle M.  SLOW COOKED: AN UNEXPECTED LIFE IN FOOD POLITICS.  University of California Press.  
  • 2020: Nestle M, Trueman K.  LET’S ASK MARION: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE POLITICS OF FOOD, NUTRITION, AND HEALTH, University of California Press.
  • 2018: Nestle M.  UNSAVORY TRUTH: HOW FOOD COMPANIES SKEW THE SCIENCE OF WHAT WE EAT, Basic Books.  Portuguese (Brazil) edition, 2019.
  • 2015: Nestle M.  SODA POLITICS: TAKING ON BIG SODA (AND WINNING), Oxford University Press.  Paperback, 2017.
  • 2012: Nestle M, Nesheim M. WHY CALORIES COUNT: FROM SCIENCE TO POLITICS, University of California Press.  Paperback, 2013.
  • 2010: Nestle M, Nesheim MC. FEED YOUR PET RIGHT, Free Press/Simon & Schuster.
  • 2008: Nestle M. PET FOOD POLITICS: THE CHIHUAHUA IN THE COAL MINE, University of California Press. Paperback, 2010.
  • 2006: Nestle M. WHAT TO EAT, North Point Press/Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Paperback, 2007. Hebrew (Israel) edition, 2007; Korean edition, 2007.
  • 2003: Nestle M. SAFE FOOD: BACTERIA, BIOTECHNOLOGY, AND BIOTERRORISM, University of California Press.  Paperback 2004; Chinese edition 2004, Japanese edition 2009. Revised and expanded edition retitled SAFE FOOD: THE POLITICS OF FOOD SAFETY, 2010.   
  • 2002: Nestle M. FOOD POLITICS: HOW THE FOOD INDUSTRY INFLUENCES NUTRITION AND HEALTH, University of California Press. Paperback 2003; Revised and expanded edition 2007; Chinese edition, 2004; Japanese edition, 2005; 10th Anniversary Edition with a Foreword by Michael Pollan2013.
  • 1985: Nestle M. NUTRITION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE. Greenbrae CA: Jones Medical Publications. Asian edition, 1986. Greek edition, 1987.

Edited Books

Dr. Nestle at FAO 082

ARTICLES (SELECTED): For the most part, these are columns, professional articles, book chapters, letters, and book reviews for which links or pdf’s are available (or will be when I get time to find or create them). Additional publications are listed in the c.v. link in the About page.





  • Young LR, Nestle M.  Portion Sizes of Ultra-Processed Foods in the United States, 2002 to 2021. American Journal of Public Health 2021;111(12):2223-2226.
  • Carlos Augusto Monteiro,Mark Lawrence, Christopher Millett, Marion Nestle, Barry M Popkin, Gyorgy Scrinis, Boyd Swinburn.  The need to reshape global food processing: a call to the United Nations Food Systems Summit.  BMJ Global Health 2021;6:e006885. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2021-006885
  • Nestle M.  Public health nutrition deserves more attention.  Review of Jones-Smith J, ed. Public Health Nutrition: Essentials for Practitioners (Johns Hopkins Press, 2020).  American Journal of Public Heath. 2021;111(4):533-535.
  • Woolhandler S, Himmelstein DU, Ahmed S, Bailey Z, Bassett MT, Bird M, Bor J, Bor D, Carrasquillo O, Chowkwanyun M, Dickman SL, Fisher S, Gaffney A, Galea S, Gottfried RN, Grumbach K, Guyatt G, Hansen H, Landrigan PH, Lighty M, McKee M, McCormick D, McGretor A, Mirza R, Morris JE, Mukherjee JS, Nestle M, Prine L, Saadi A, Schiff D, Shapiro M, Tesema L, Venkataramani A.  Public policy and health in the Trump era: A Lancet Commission Report.  The Lancet, February 10, 2021.
  • Nestle M.  Review of Jessica Harris, Vintage Postcards from the African World: In the Dignity of Their Work and the Joy of Their Play.  Food, Culture, and Society, 2021;743-744.
















2002 – 2005

  • Nestle M. Preventing childhood diabetes: The need for public health intervention (editorial). American Journal of Public Health 2005;95:1497-1499.
  • Nestle M. Increasing portion sizes in American diets: more calories, more obesity (commentary). Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2003;103:39-40.
  • Berg J, Nestle M, Bentley A. Food studies. In: Katz SH, Weaver WW, eds. The Scribner Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, Vol 2. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2003:16-18.

  • Nestle M. The ironic politics of obesity (editorial). Science 2003:299:781.

  • Nestle M. Not good enough to eat (commentary). New Scientist 2003;177 (February 22):25.

  • Nestle M. Hearty Fare? Review of Faergeman, O. Coronary Heart Disease: Genes, Drugs, and the Agricultural Connection. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003. Nature 2003;425:902.
  • Nestle M. Thinking about food (letter). Wilson Quarterly Autumn 2003 [27(4)]:4.

  • Young LR, Nestle M. The contribution of expanding Portion Sizes to the U.S. obesity epidemic. American Journal of Public Health 2002;92:246-249.
  • Mahabir S, Coit D, Liebes L, Brady MS, Lewis JJ, Roush G, Nestle M, Fay D, Berwick M. Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of dietary supplementation of a-tocopherol on mutagen sensitivity levels in melanoma patients: a pilot trial. Melanoma Research 2002;12:83-90.
  • Byers T, Nestle M, McTeirnan A, Doyle C, Currie-Williams A, Gansler T, Thun M, and the American Cancer Society 2001 Nutrition and Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. American Cancer Society Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention: Reducing the Risk of Cancer with Healthy Food Choices and Physical Activity. CA Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2002;52:92-119.
  • Fried EJ, Nestle M. The growing political movement against soft drinks in schools (commentary). Journal of the American Medical Association 2002;288:2181.


  • Nestle M. Genetically engineered “golden” rice unlike to overcome vitamin A deficiency (letter). Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2001;101:289-290.
  • Nestle M. Nutrition and women’s health: the politics of dietary advice [editorial]. Journal of the American Medical Women’s Association 2001;56:42-43.

  • Kumanyika SK, Morssink CB, Nestle M. Minority women and advocacy for women’s health. American Journal of Public Health 2001;91:1383-1388.

  • Nestle M. Food company sponsorship of nutrition research and professional activities: A conflict of interest? Public Health Nutrition 2001;4:1015-1022.
  • Nestle M. Review of: Bendich A, Deckelbaum RJ, eds. Primary and Secondary Preventive Nutrition (Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2001). American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2001;74:704.



  • Nestle M. Hunger in America: A Matter of Policy. Social Research 1999;66(1): 257-282.
  • Nestle M. Commentary [dietary guidelines]. Food Policy 1999;24(2-3):307-310.
  • Nestle M. Meat or wheat for the next millennium? Plenary lecture: animal v. plant foods in human diets and health: is the historical record unequivocal? Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 1999;58:211-218 (online here).
  • Nestle M. Heart disease’s decline (letter). New York Times, August 12, 1999:A18.
  • Nestle M. Dietary supplement advertising: a matter of politics, not science. Journal of Nutrition Education 1999;31:278-282.



  • Nestle M.Broccoli sprouts as inducers of carcinogen-detoxifying enzyme systems: clinical, dietary, and policy implications [Commentary].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 1997;94:11149-11151.

  • Nestle M.The role of chocolate in the American diet: nutritional perspectives.In: Szogyi A, ed.Chocolate, Food of the Gods.Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 1997:111-124.
  • Nestle M.Epidemiologists’ Paradise.Junshi C, Campbell TC, Junyao L, Peto R.Diet, Life-style, and Mortality in China: A Study of the Characteristics of 65 Chinese Counties.NY: Oxford University Press, 1990 [book review].BioScience 1991;41:725-726.

  • Nestle M. National nutrition monitoring policy: the continuing need for legislative intervention. J Nutrition Education 1990;22:141-144.
  • Nestle M, Porter DV. Evolution of federal dietary guidance policy: from food adequacy to chronic disease prevention.Caduceus: A Museum Journal for the Health Sciences 1990;6(2):43-67.

  • McGinnis JM, Nestle M. The Surgeon General’s report on nutrition and health: policy implications and implementation strategies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition1989;49:23-28.
  • Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. The Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition and Health. Publ. No. (PHS) 88-50210. Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1988, 712 pages [Managing Editor]. Reprint: Prima Publishing, 1989. Reprint: Warner Books, 1989.

  • Nestle M. Promoting health and preventing disease: national nutrition objectives for 1990 and 2000. Food Technology 1988;42(2):103-107.
  • Nestle M, Lee PR, Baron, RB. Nutrition policy update.  In: Weininger J, Briggs GM, eds.  Nutrition Update, Vol 1.  New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1983:285-313.

1968-1972 Dissertation and Postdoctoral Papers

Nestle M, Sussman M.  The effect of cyclic-AMP on morphogenesis and enzyme accumulation in Dictyostelium discoideum.  Developmental Biology 1972;28:545-554.

Nestle M, Roberts WK.  An extracellular nuclease from Serratia marcescens. II. Specificity of the enzyme.  Journal of Biological Chemistry 1969;244:5219-5225.

Nestle M, Roberts WK.  An extracellular nuclease from Serratia marcescens. I.  Purification and some properties of the enzyme.  Journal of Biological Chemistry 1969;244:5213-5218.

Nestle M, Roberts WK.  Separation of ribonucleosides and ribonucleotides by a one-dimensional paper chromatographic system. Analytical Biochemistry 1968;22:349-351.